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what's old is new again at
chroma design
hand painted vintage furniture for sale
custom furniture painting
Furniture for Sale
At chroma design we specialize in taking old, outdated pieces of furniture and making them current and vibrant. Many of our pieces were pieces no one wanted, and were either being sold at a very cheap price or even thrown away. We reglue joints, replace hardware, replace backs...anything that is necessary to make the piece usable. Then we choose the right color for the piece, and apply paint and polyurethane. The end products are striking and modern, but the pieces still retain the quirkiness that made them interesting to begin with.

All pieces are handpainted using Benjamin Moore Aura-based latex paint with a satin finish, and polyurethaned using AquaZar water-based polyurethane, also with a satin finish. Chroma design has developed a finishing process that results in a glowing, lustrous, durable surface which brings out the essence of the color.
We also love to be able to showcase the original wood whenever possible. We don't apply stain, just apply AquaZar to protect the wood, and provide sheen

If you are interested in purchasing a piece, contact us at 781-929-7130 by phone or text, or email us at
Local pick-up only
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